Staging Your Home for Sale

In the effort to get top dollar when selling your home, staging; or the art of showcasing your home is vital. But how to emphasize the selling points of a home while making sure that it is attractive to a wide selection of buyers? There are some basic steps that you can observe in order to give your home the showing that it deserves.

It is usually a good idea to try to disassociate yourself from your home. This may be a difficult thing to do but remember, your favorite aspects may not appeal to all buyers. Try to see your home as something that simply needs to be sold, much like any other product. Removing your precious photos and curios can help viewers to place themselves in your home. It is important that the prospective buyer can see themselves living in your home. Your home should be as warm and welcoming as possible. It should make people want to live there. 

Now take a quick look through your home, is there a fair amount of unused things lying around? This is a great point to clean up any outstanding clutter and junk. During a showing your home should be clean and simple. A minimalist approach is good for it will allow viewers to visualize their own possessions in your home. Another good thing to remember is that buyers are likely going to open all closets and cupboards. Its a good idea to ensure that these areas are clear and organized. This will also speak highly of you as a homeowner. 

Small repairs can make a world of difference. Cosmetic fixes can also raise the value of a home and increase your bargaining power. However do not rely on a cosmetic fix for a problem that requires a more permanent solution! Make sure that drawers and closets open and close smoothly and without a hitch. Ensure that faucets do not drip and that there are no water stains in the sinks and tubs. The more time you spend cleaning and detailing your home, the better it will show. 

Do not forget the exterior of the home either. There are a variety of things that you can easily do to improve the curb appeal of your home. Ensuring that the yard is neat and tidy with mown lawns and clear walkways makes the home more inviting and more likely to grab a viewer’s attention. 

It is a good idea to remove any decorative items such as drapes or fixtures that you will be taking with you. This can save a lot of time and heartache when closing time comes and the buyer wants certain items that were seen during the viewing, but were not for sale. 

Now it is simply a matter of your home showing to interested buyers. This is where your choice of Realtor really makes a difference. Hopefully this list will help your home to show to its full potential!

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